Factors to consider when you want to build an outside staircase

Have you ever thought of constructing a staircase outside your house to cut across your garden? Well then, you should surely consider doing so as outside stairs tend to compliment the beauty of your garden as you or your guests walk across it towards the door. However, there are several factors that you need to keep in mind to ensure you build the perfect outside staircase. First and foremost, you need to consider both the aesthetic and functional purpose of the staircase. By having a definitive purpose of the staircase will guide you in building the perfect staircase and ensuring it meets all of your requirements. If you do not have an idea of what you should consider when thinking of whether to build an outside staircase or not, the following factors can give you ideas of what you can consider before making your final decision.


It is imperative to know that the right staircase design all depends on the specific purpose it will serve. If you plan to have the staircase for decorative purposes that will embellish your front garden, there are various styles and designs for this purpose. There are numerous materials that you can select from to suit your purpose, including stones, bricks, wood, metal and iron.


Primarily, you should know that different types and designs of outdoor staircases will have different costs. This is determined by the materials used, the design of the staircase and the size of the staircase as well. If you are working on a tight budget, it is then advisable to use materials such as bricks for your construction. Then again, you can use marble or stone materials to add a natural and unique element to your outside stairs in addition to increasing its durability.


The most vital aspect that you should give the highest priority as you are thinking of building an outside staircase is its safety. According to set standards and regulations, the treads should have the exact depth as well as the riser having equal height. This is important because having uneven depth and height may cause unnecessary accidents, which may lead to a broken arm or leg. The risers should not exceed a height of eight inches while the tread should have a depth of ten inches. You should also ensure the railings are firm and strong to enhance the safety of the outdoor stairs.  


As you construct your outdoor stairs, you should ensure that its design and style matches that of your house. For example, if your house is designed in a cottage style, then it should be straightforward that your stairs should be made out of wood and have railings. However, you should not polish the wood excessively if you want to achieve a rugged appearance. Brick and cement staircase will give your house an urban look as they make the stairs appear impressive and large.
