If you are planning to redesign your garden, you may be wondering about the different types of designs which are available. Below is a guide which will help you to plan and choose a design for your garden.
You should begin by sitting down with a piece of paper and a pen. Let your imagination run wild and try to capture the feel you want for the garden. Jot down words and sketch out a rough map of your garden. Below is a list of things you should consider when deciding the plants you will use and the layout of your garden:
- Do you want your garden to be a home for native animals?
- Do you want to incorporate wildflowers?
- Do you wish to plant indigenous or non-native plants?
- Do you require a utility or patio area?
Types of garden design
Cottage garden
A cottage garden is ideal if you wish to create a showcase of plants and trees for visitors, family and friends. While cottage gardens are traditionally filled with exotic plants, there isn't any reason why you cannot plant a cottage garden using native plants. By carefully choosing plants which flower for different seasons and different durations, you can have a garden which is in flower for the entire year.
Bush garden
As the name suggest, a bush garden is designed to incorporate a range of indigenous plants which are arranged in an unstructured way to create a natural feel. Because bush gardens provide a great deal of shelter and food, they are ideal if you wish to encourage wildlife to visit your garden. You should use logs, branches and rocks as a base for your bush garden, to encourage lizards and other small animals. You should also plant flowers which contain seeds and nuts for the local bird population. Prickly shrubs can also create nesting locations for local birds.
Formal garden
Formal gardens are much more structured than bush gardens and will typically feature straight lines and plants which mirror each other in size and colour which help to create a symmetrical feel. You should consider planting hedges along the edges of the garden, keeping them well trimmed to maintain a clean look. You should also plant trees and shrubs at different heights to add additional layers to your garden. These layers will help to develop the fore, middle and background of your garden. Contact a garden supplier for further advice about the best type of plants, shrubs and trees.
If you would like further advice about choosing the right plants and trees for your redesigned garden, contact a wholesale garden centre today.